Hancock County Food Pantry
Closed Today.
The Hancock County Food Pantry is a state-chartered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1986 by area churches. The Pantry’s mission is to provide food and personal hygiene products for low-income families in Hancock County, MS, who have an immediate “crisis or emergency” need for the assistance we can provide. A typical client is someone living on a fixed income or out of work, living at or below the poverty level, and unable to provide food for themselves or their family.
Our Mission
What We Do
The Hancock County Food Pantry provides free food once every 30 days to any family living in Hancock County, MS, who comes to us for help as long as their income level is below the poverty level defined by the MS TEFAP program. This assistance is intended as a supplement since the amount of food the Food Pantry provides will usually help a family for only a couple of weeks. The Food Pantry serves all families that come for help regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or national origin. Since opening its doors in 1986, the Food Pantry has provided free food to over 355,000 individuals during 153,000 family visits. During 2023, the Hancock County Food Pantry spent $241,620 purchasing non-perishable food from two local grocers and also received 26,693 lbs of free USDA food from the MS TEFAP program, 208,882 lbs of donated food from the local community and 142,764 lbs. of recovered food from a local retail grocer and two nearby military commissaries and redistributed all of this free food at no cost to 7,345 low-income families in need.
You Can Help
Given the ongoing high demand for assistance from the Hancock County Food Pantry and the rising costs of purchased food (2022 costs per family nearly three times those of 2004), the Pantry relies heavily on the continued support of the community.
Qualify for Assistance
Your household can easily be “certified” for return visits and issued a certification card.
Host a Food Drive
Join us in fighting hunger by hosting a food drive and making a difference in our community!
Meet the Board
Our board is a group of passionate people committed to alleviating hunger and supporting our community.
Browse Food Drives
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Want to become a regular?
Our Volunteers
The Hancock County Food Pantry is an all volunteer agency with no paid staff. We have been serving low income families living in Hancock County, MS for more than 37 years. Over 50 volunteers staff our warehouse and offices. We have intake clerks who record who the head of household is and how many members they have in their family. Warehouse workers pack groceries and deliver them to the client. The Food Pantry purchases non-perishable food from local merchants and also receives USDA food from the MS TEFAP program, donated food from the community and recovered food from one retail grocer and two nearby military commissaries and redistributes all of this food at no cost to families in need
Volunteer, Donate, Advocate.

Contact Us
The Food Pantry is operated entirely by volunteers. Over 96% of all funds spent in 2023 were used to purchase food for those in need.